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Which Types Of Workouts And Activities Are Most Beneficial For Women?

Women's fitness encompasses a diverse range of workouts and activities tailored to address different fitness goals, preferences, and health considerations. Here are various types of workouts and activities that are beneficial for women's health and overall well-being: Cardiovascular Exercise: Running and Jogging: Running or jogging is an effective cardiovascular exercise that improves cardiovascular health, endurance, and overall fitness. It also aids in weight management and strengthens lower body muscles. Cycling: Cycling, whether outdoors or on a stationary bike, is low-impact and great for cardiovascular fitness. It strengthens leg muscles and improves heart health while minimizing stress on joints. Dance Workouts: Zumba, dance aerobics, or dance-based fitness classes offer a fun way to improve cardiovascular endurance, coordination, and flexibility while burning calories. Strength Training: Weightlifting: Incorporating weightlifting or resistance training help

Smelly nose - causes and countermeasures

The name alone suggests something very unpleasant. Those affected by this exude a putrid, sweet smell from the nose , which they usually cannot perceive themselves. The cause of a stinky nose (also called ozaena or rhinitis atrophicans cum foetore ) is due to a destroyed nasal mucosa (atrophy of the mucous membrane). The mucous membrane is usually there to form a protection against germs, foreign bodies and dirt. However, if it is severely attacked, bacteria can lodge in it, which spread and then ultimately lead to this unpleasant odor. techqueer

Cause: attacked nasal mucous membrane

The smelly nose is divided into a primary and a secondary form. The primary arises due to genetic predisposition, usually already in puberty and women are particularly affected by it. techsmartinfo

Various factors can be responsible for the secondary form:

  • Operations or injuries in the area of ​​the nasal mucosa can destroy it.
  • Excessive use of nasal sprays is also one of the causes. Under no circumstances should these be used for more than seven days. Decongestant nasal sprays or nasal drops that have been taken for a long time can firstly lead to dependence and secondly damage the mucous membrane in such a way that a smelly nose develops.
  • In rarer cases, a malformation of the nasal septum is to blame for this unpleasant disease.
  • Furthermore, tumors of the nasopharynx can damage the mucous membranes. These are often treated with radiation therapy, which in turn can damage the nasal lining. lifebloombeauty


The destroyed nasal mucous membrane with the resulting shrinkage of the tissue opens the door for germs to which they can then multiply even more easily. These germs usually give off a disgusting, sweetish to putrid smell, which relatives and people who are in close contact with those affected can then perceive. Since the nerves in the nose are usually also damaged, those affected cannot smell this themselves. Due to the atrophy of the mucou membrane, the nasal cavity enlarges. Therefore, the patients feel as if their nasal breathing is obstructed, which often encourages them to use a nasal spray. Frequent nosebleedsand a purulent nasal discharge may also occur. The whole thing is accompanied by crusts and crusts that form in the nose. techbizcenter

Above all, those affected suffer from the fact that those close to them can no longer stand the stench. Otherwise, the smelly nose is nothing more than a cold for the patient . Because of the unpleasant smell, those affected withdraw and social and professional problems can result.



Unfortunately, a stinky nose cannot be cured. However, if it is not treated at all, this leads to permanent damage to the nasal mucous membrane and it recedes more and more. This dehydration can also spread to other mucous membranes such as in the throat, in the windpipe or, in the worst case, in the lungs . The atrophy of the nasal mucosa can even, in rare cases, lead to the destruction of tissue and bone structures.

When treating a smelly nose, moisture comes first. The formation of crusts and crusts, which can permanently destroy tissue, must be counteracted. Seawater nasal spray helps to moisten the nasal mucosa. This spray does not damage, it only moisturizes. To support the healing of the damaged mucous membranes, oily nasal sprays or nasal drops are recommended. Nasal ointments that contain a healing ingredient are also a good option. Regular use of the nasal douche will reduce the crusts. Under no circumstances should decongestant nasal drops be used.

In addition, the regeneration of the nasals mucosa can be supported by taking dietary supplements containing vitamins A and E and zinc.
The ear, nose and throat specialist removes annoying crusts and crusts. In very extreme cases, surgery is an option. The nasal cavity is reduced in size.

Other causes

Other causes of bad smells are purulent inflammations in the nose . Such smells are possible with sinus infections caused by dental problems. Furthermore, foreign bodies can be in the nose or infectious diseases such as nasal diphtheria, nasal tuberculosis and snot. Those affected always belong in medical hands to clarify the cause.  futuretechexpert

Prophylactic measures

One of the most importants prophylactic measures is to avoid nasal drops that are decongestant. These can serve well for a few days if there is an acute infection, but must be discontinued afterwards. Adequate humidification is necessary for the nasal mucosa to function properly. Dry air in heat rooms should be avoided. In a dry room climate, the use of sea salt spray helps. If the mucous membrane is very dry, oil-based drops are recommended, as mentioned above. The moisture must also come from within. That is why you have to think about an adequate intake of fluids every day. Still water and herbal teas are particularly suitable for this. Inhalations with sea salt or the use of the nasal douche, both carried out regularly, have a positive effect.

From the point of views traditional Chinese medicine , but also of western naturopathy , interactions between different organs are known. The connection between the airways and the intestines is an important factor. As a result, diseases of the nasal mucous membranes should not only be viewed locally, but there may also a connection with the digestive tract . Experienced therapists should therefore analyze the specific situation of those affected more closely. What you can do yourself is to ensure a healthy diet that guarantees an appropriate intestinal flora and products that promote inflammation such as

  • Meat (especially pork),
  • White flour,
  • Sugar ,
  • Trans fats
  • and excludes alcohol .

Everything that serves to cleanse the intestines can have a positive effect on the nasal mucosa.

Treatment in naturopathic practice

For people who are affected by a stinky nose, the naturopathic practice is also a point of contact, because they often find help in naturopathy . If it is a question of women, it must be clarified whether the dryness of the nasal mucous membranes is possibly caused by hormones, so that this treatment is then in the foreground. Menopausal women in particular suffer from dry mucous membranes, not only in the nose , but also in the eyes , mouth and vagina. Pomegranate oil in capsule form, linseed oil and possibly the missing hormone in bioidentical form help here . Estriol in particular is the hormone that is important for the female mucous membranes.


Furthermore, Schuessler salts such as

  • No. 1 Calcium fluoratum ("makes everything soft that is hard and everything hard that is soft"),
  • No. 4 Kalium chloratum (the remedy for the mucous membranes)
  • or No. 8 sodium chloratum (the fluid balance agent).

The acupuncture is as a form of therapy can be treated with a Stinknase.
From homeopathy are

  • Luesinum for incrustations and foul-smelling secretions,
  • Potassium sulfuricum for thick, viscous secretions
  • and Kalium carbonicum in extreme drought

attributed a positive effect.

The following medicinal herbs have a positive effect on all mucous membranes in the body:

  • Mugwort,
  • Lady's mantle ,
  • Daisy,
  • Yarrow ,
  • Dead nettle,
  • Pansy
  • and sanikel.

A tea made from these herbs can help. However, please keep in mind that this herbal tea is not suitable for long-term use. After about six to 8 weeks, the composition is changed or simply a “tea break” is taken.  technologywebdesign


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